"Enrolation", no more!
On September 28th, 2015,
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Do you really speak English or still try to get around by using the not recommended "enrolation"?
Do you know some words may not be what they seem?
Millions of people dream about living abroad, specially some Brazilians in face of our current financial/political situation. Living in a country with security, respect, strong economy is the dream of anyone, and this dream, sometimes, makes people cross the border illegally. But, is it worth taking the risks?
In 1999, the American Government estimated that around 800 Brazilians were in illegal conditions. This number jumped to almost 750.000 in 2014. Most people find their way to USA through the Mexican borders, where they cross dangerous and desert areas walking; some people get to the country by airplane. Those that get in by plane usually go as tourists, but don't ever return to their homeland.; There are also some people who immigrate by ships, especially cruises. However, in the first and the last example, a lot of people die every year, trying to reach the "American Dream". All of them are trying to get a new and a better life, but why illegally?
Most of them, probably, haven't had educational opportunities, especially when it comes to English fluency.
But, is English really important if I want a permanent visa?
Let me answer this question with another question. Why should a country issue a visa to a person who doesn't stand a chance to get a legal job?
So… let's say, for the sake of the argument, a person does get safely to the other side of the border. Does she/he have the minimum level of English to experience life in this country? It is not unusual to find some people speaking a language they believe is English but it is nothing more than a bad version of their own language, with a different intonation. The word Intonation is an example of a Cognate. A word that is similar in English and Portuguese. However a person who doesn't master the language can make use of what is called False Cognate.
Here are some of the most common False Cognates:

Not only about crossing borders or immigrating, speaking fluent English provides more and better job opportunities. You need to know more than just the basics. A better salary is not the only point. If you have a good English, not necessarily fluent, you can apply for international job positions, where you can immigrate, have a better life, and better: all this legally, and having the same rights as a citizens of the country you decide to go to. For the next year, the American Government wants to improve the number of visas to high technology employees, jumping from 65k to 115k visas per year. Yearly American companies open applications to hire Brazilian employees. And not only American companies! Yearly we see Canadian, Australian, British (...) companies seeking for people with a good resume and good English skill. So why taking risks, if the best and safest way to whoever wants to live in a foreign country is to improve your resume?
Contact us to improve your English!
Got curious about False Cognates, here is a list of some other common ones. After checking it out, why not taking some exercises?! Click on the link to some exercises from the book publisher Richmond: http://www3.richmond.com.br/12/pnld/11/Atividade_2.pdf